I wouldn't get too high on what Taleworlds can deliver.
In my impression they are somehow both geniuses and retards at the same time.
Let me explain.. They invented this fantastic combat system, but have failed on so many other areas
*Combat system
*Relatively large scale mp battles
*Imperfect, but probably quite impressive netcode
*A quite unique SP experience, albeit with flaws. (reptitiveness..)
*Failure to keep official Taleworlds mp servers and thus build up the playerbase for the 2nd release
*Creating a less than impressive game universe. "Calradia" Not very immersive, no good story, unique in it's lack of imagination perhaps. So open that it leaves most to the player. (Nothing wrong in that.. but too narrow and they need a hit game to make the ultimate WB type game and be in competition)
*Focusing on Fire and Sword after mp became a huge success.
*Failure to make some great deals with big money. Sell the engine and concepts, but keep the rights also *for themselves. With that they could expand and create a real success.
*Lack of visions for possibilities of the combat system, realms etc..
*Lack of support for modders. Took a long time before they got a proper mod system up..
IDK.. it just frustrates me that they are not able to see their own genius AND limitations and capitalize on that, as well as patch their limitations. Notch can do it because his game is very simple, but MB is too large and complex for a small team. Imo Fire and Sword was a waste of time, and more like an advanced mod.
Sincerely I hope they will hire chadzius in some lead position eventually, although he also has his issues lol
(Like taking on huge projects that will take ages to finish.. I warned you chadz!)
At least vision and ideas is not the main problem of the cRPG team! It's more about the actual capacity to complete them in a reasonable time. As long as it's fun one can do it
But nerds eventually meet girls and make babies, and then they need money and time..
Anyway. Competition caught up with WB and many people are stealing their ideas, and they are behind the curve with WB2. The other titles may have way more money behind them in terms of advertising power, graphics etc, and may well be much more famous by the time WB2 comes out. And they can keep stealing the best of WB.. So a bunch of smart fucks with no genius, but actual power to ACT will go away with the big prize, make the famous game, and get all the girls.
I'm not saying WB should do microtransactions and achievements (sic) and be bought up by EA, cause that would be a disaster. They should simply get efficient, hire some people with visions, get some great salesmen, get an investor that let's them do as they want.. Going mmorpg would be way too ambitious and take too much time. Make a system so people can play SP campaign map in MP in an organized non-random way. Just catch the market with good graphics, good sound, a good universe, easy modding, spend a hecklot on marketing and make a lot of money. When they have a large, addicted playerbase+brandname+money, make the game they want. WB is not the title to carry a series, it's simply way too unknown and indie.
as an endnote, most of this is just my unfounded personal opinion. For all i know they have secured the massive financing they need to make a big game, fixed their logistics, bought the engine etc etc.. It's just that I have seen a lot of time waste and blindness from Taleworlds before.