This is what happened. A large army attacked a village. The village rallied an army and opposed them, for a while. When nearly all of the army defending the village was defeated, the remaining few were inside of a stone structure they could not get out of.
In essence, the attacking army killed the majority of the opposition and the rest were effectively jailed, taken prisoner. There is no way the remaining defenders could have retaliated, whether the attackers could have actively killed them or not. I mention zero tickets because it wasn't an army using the stone tower as a defensive point, it was the remainder of an army stuck inside of it. They weren't getting reinforced, no one was left to save them.
You may have seen it as a stalemate, and having a dozen or so men draw out a battle to wait for the attackers' flags to drop is one thing, but there was no fight left. The defenders were stuck in their prison, and the attackers had the town.