ya bump damage is surprisingly high o0
huge problem is the fact that level 25 über-peasants can be riding the bitches for ever without upkeep. if there were 2,3 heavy hrses amongst a team of 50 i wouldnt see a problem, but what ive heard NA is full of that crap...
(for all of u not knowing what a twink is it is a player in WoW that freeezes his character at a certain lvl to become a uber almost unkillable to other his lvl due to the fact he invest IN THE BEST weapons and armor to decimate his peers and make a shit load of honor and gold in the proces)
and i have seen a sky rocketing number of armored cavalry simply because of the resin requirements of a courser
i havent really have dealt with the bump problems usually because they avoid a glaive user..but every once n a while when theres more then once they can easily trample me to death if im not always on gaurd
but like a said im a glaive user....so unless they have mad skills i usually got them on lock down to the point the only attack me when im distracted
so i can imagine a 1h or a 2h having major problems with this ovverflow of twinks on horseback puting all there points in cav n shield n trolololing all the way to the bank
(y oh y did they make it that certain blunts,axes and 2h's cant stop horses is beyond me)