Could you tell me more about the penalty from armor weight? I'm looking to go into archery next after my first generation...would a light kuyak hinder my arrow firing significantly? I think it's a very minimal armor as it is but most dedicated archers I've seen are only wearing cloth. Thanks!
Use the search function. There are LOADS of threads with the same question and most of them have an answer already. I CBA to do it now.
As for the Light Kuyak. It is heavy enough to give you a penalty and decrease your accuracy, but it's not heavy enough to lower it THAT much. If you got more wpf than you NEED (relative to PD) then you will be fine. It's only a problem if you have maxed out your PD according to wpf aka doing as much damage without caring for accuracy. But really, you should be fine. As long as you don't get the message "you don't have enough wpf to bla bla bla" then you should still do max damage. Accuracy might drop a bit, but since I don't know your build that should be up fo you to decide. Sometimes the extra armour is worth the sacrifice, other times it's not.
Also, pilgrim hood with the kuyak. Looks so badass ;D