I'd like to suggest some "rules", or at least behavior, and, maybe, ask admins to be more severe about thoses simple facts that can really frustrate the community.
1- Weapons rack.
People who build thoses (at least two) don't usually have any weapon at the beginning of the round, and "have" to use the weapon rack in order to get thoses weapons. When there's a... let's say someone who wants attention... on your team who destroys that rack and just go away, leaving you there with only your punches, it's quite frustrating. So :
-destroying team's weapon rack is kickable (if the guy didn't know), or bannable (did it again, or definitely knew how it works)
-destroying other siege equipment is as destroying ladders/siege shields.
2-Unreachable places.
Since this matter hasn't been resolved, yet, i'd like it to figure officially for the rules. We all know that when the only remaining people on one team are on unreachable places, they have to jump down. What happens though in the battle servers, is people jump down one by one, while the other continue shooting. "Look, one my teammates jumped down, so we're not the last on unreachable places ! Let's continue shooting." The worse, is when there's only one guy left, he definitely knows he has to jump down, but he takes 4 shots before coming down on his own. And that's just too much. Definitely delaying, even when he has no chance.
-The last guys on the unreachable places don't have the right to shoot from it anymore. It's a basic offence, and it gives you a warning, then a well-deserved kick. Who cares about your k/d ratio, just get down already and die. You already wasted enough time up there, but now you also want to shoot since people are gathering around your building ?
3-High speed
So, you're the last guy, archer, crossbow or cavalry, it's always the same. When there's ten people facing you, do you really think you have a chance ? If you want that much to kill them, then maybe you should have stayed with the group instead of hiding/flanking or whatever. Delaying is not just "not fighting", it's postponing the inevitable. Nothing's worse for the spectators to see an archer shooting, runnning away, shooting, running away, out of ammo, trying to loot some arrows while running away, no more arrows still running away, then typing "let me grab a weapon" while still running away, then grabbing a melee weapon, facing the opponents, and dying in one hit because he doesn't know how to block. 40secs passed, not even a tick, and during that time the all other team just run after the guy, knowing they can't get him unless he turns around. Another example is with cavalry. "Oh oh, i'm the last one, but since it's an open map and they're following me scattered, i can still pick off some of them" Yes, you "can", but you'll never win the round. So we see a rider, circling around people, going around buildings, waiting for opponents to get fed up and stop moving with the group, then attacking thoses ones, killing them, and starting the whole thing again till they make an error or a range shoots the horse down.
-When you're the last, and you "know" there's not a single chance for you to win the round, then why continue running away, in one word : delaying. "I'm fighting, but since i'm an horse archer, i don't have to stay in range. Damn, out of arrows. Let's search the battlefield for a weapon. Here, found one. Here i come !" *Slash* Purple team won the round. "Oh well, i did my best."
I know very well that all thoses simple things fall under the "common sense rule", but it's really frustrating to see so many players with no common sense. If it was written somewhere, if it was punished, or at least warningable (word doesn't exist, but it fits nicely in this sentence) then i'm sure the end of rounds would be quicker, and allow for players to play more, and wait less during the same play-time.
PS: Eu1, no polls allowed, no admins. Is there really a reason for admins to disallow polls when they come online ? They can just change polls setting to 90% when there's an undeserved one, or kick the poll-abuser. When there's an admin around anyway, i rarely see any polls. People know about the "i" message to admin. Admins are human, and it's forgivable to forget putting polls back. But it's also a nuisance ingame when there's no polls, no admins, but griefers.
Yes, we can just drop on Irc and say "Eu1 no polls no admins griefers, please come help"... but why should it be the player initiative when it's an admin's very little fault.
I know i'm just a common player, so i'm open to any constructive critiques, comments and remarks. All i want is to allow the players to enjoy more, and thus having less "hate" during thoses end of rounds.
If enough people find it interesting/important/useless, care about it, then i'll gladly do a poll.
Edit :
4- Master of the field.
-Make the flag "spawn" at 00:59, no matter if there was a kill just before.
I do see reasons against this one, like cav just waiting intentionnaly for the flag, since they can be the first to reach it, and they can kite people who will walk in open places to reach the flag. But at least it would deal with all the tower campers, with two maulers, one pikeman and 7 range, just waiting for the 20 people to come one by one thanks to the ladder. "No, it's not unreachable, there's a stair. Come on up. You have the multy, so you're gonna loose it if it's a draw. Ah ah ah ah !"
PS :I remember a i-don't-remember-wich-game feature, where if you stay too long at the same place, you were getting wounded. Anti-camping feature. Of course, it would be ONLY for battles, and not strategus nor siege. I see a lot of xbows having fun with crossfire at point blank range, on a tower. During the all round. But that's me being playing a 2h for too long i imagine, so i'm a bit biaised, and not very objective.