Xbow with 1wpf isn't a problem, it's not accurate at all and doesn't really make someone a hybrid. The problem with xbows is that even after putting alof of wpf they're still not accurate enough, so the xbowman currently is the only build that requires specialization to do reasonably well. That explains also why there so few xbowman.
Xbow unlike throwing and bow doesn't required PT or PD. Saying it's the only build that require specialization is biased to say the least.
If thrower had the accuracy of xbow with 100 wpf you would already had GTXed the game a long time ago.
With 1wpf in xbow you're still more accurate than a thrower with 11PT and 100 wpf using javelin...
There are still some xbower out there that do well and top the scorechart.
Throwing is just way more fun and entertaining than using an xbow, and since it's now competitive a lot of people use it.
But saying hybrid thrower are OP is just mehh, there the guy that take 1/3 of your health with javelin.
I've a build with 11PT and 100wpf in throwing and i mostly use javelin because even with jarrid 1 shooting is rare against an opponent with full hp.
Since i need 2 hits anyway why should i use expensive and innacurate weapon like jarrids ?
I could use throwing lance and i would 1 hit almost everybody but it's not durable with the upkeep.
although i saw a guy using plate with only throwing lance but i guess he spend a lot of time naked.
I've to admit is easier to get good K/D ratio with my thrower than with my polearm guy but the difference is not that great.
There should be some kind of nerf for powerthrower but it shouldn't render strengh build useless cuz everybody want diversity , right ?