Author Topic: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking  (Read 9859 times)

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #90 on: September 16, 2011, 11:40:24 am »
Only if you're a five year old working in a Nike factory.
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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #91 on: September 16, 2011, 02:17:05 pm »
ummm got your Korean and Chinese mixed up buddy. Wo shuo zhong guo hua yi dian dian...and ni hao is "you good" or "how are you" in Chinese.  Oh and by the way, Zapper, the sWalker is a mei guo ren that knows more languages than just English.

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #92 on: September 16, 2011, 03:26:53 pm »
Japanese - They all speak english
Chinese - They all speak english

You obviously never spoke to any of them who learned English in their own country.

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #93 on: September 16, 2011, 05:02:48 pm »
ummm got your Korean and Chinese mixed up buddy. Wo shuo zhong guo hua yi dian dian...and ni hao is "you good" or "how are you" in Chinese.  Oh and by the way, Zapper, the sWalker is a mei guo ren that knows more languages than just English.
While the Jarlek doesn't know the language you are speaking there, it warms his heart that the great and famous sWalker is a learned and wise man. On reflection, it doesn't surprise the Jarlek that the sWalkers is fluent in more than one tongue, since the sWalker is probably have walked many a places in this world! May your arm be strong and your arrows true!

/awesome sWalkerish RP off

You obviously never spoke to any of them who learned English in their own country.
I was gonna quote that part say the exact same thing. Of course there ARE a lot of Chinese/Japanese people who speaks English, but the majority doesn't know jack shit. Understandable with China, but in USA-dependant Japan? A shame, really.
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #94 on: September 16, 2011, 05:20:52 pm »
Knowing more than one language is useless to people who push tea crates into the ocean.

Technically, those were british citizens at the time.

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2011, 12:42:27 am »
it's bloody easy to detect the cheaters with the help of a simple clever keylogger script in-game. when you press the activate button of the autoblock (as i see on the unban request posts, this is probably f5 button or whatever it is) on your keyboard, the game records it on logs and admins can easily see which retards use the autoblock script on various frequencies. fukken idiots, don't dare to cheat again, because there is no escape. if you can't block the attacks properly, at least accept to die in an honorable way (like i do cuz i suck at melee 8-)) and train hard, or quit playing the c-rpg. if you are too much interested in fucking autoblock, just play the bloody native single player mod, cuz the game already contains an autoblock system there, where you can use it against bots, but do not contaminate our multiplaying experience with your stupid cheating interests. now enjoy your permabans, i hope you cheaters never return to game.

my best regards to the c-rpg community and worst regards to the cheaters.. and many thanks to the devs who try to keep the game fair. good game all..
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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #96 on: September 17, 2011, 03:48:12 am »
Actually if the auto block works is anywhere near close to the singleplayer autoblocker, you just hold down the right button.
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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #97 on: September 17, 2011, 03:54:06 am »
it's bloody easy to detect the cheaters with the help of a simple clever keylogger script in-game. when you press the activate button of the autoblock (as i see on the unban request posts, this is probably f5 button or whatever it is) on your keyboard, the game records it on logs and admins can easily see which retards use the autoblock script on various frequencies. fukken idiots, don't dare to cheat again, because there is no escape. if you can't block the attacks properly, at least accept to die in an honorable way (like i do cuz i suck at melee 8-)) and train hard, or quit playing the c-rpg. if you are too much interested in fucking autoblock, just play the bloody native single player mod, cuz the game already contains an autoblock system there, where you can use it against bots, but do not contaminate our multiplaying experience with your stupid cheating interests. now enjoy your permabans, i hope you cheaters never return to game.

my best regards to the c-rpg community and worst regards to the cheaters.. and many thanks to the devs who try to keep the game fair. good game all..

i suppose the hack comes with some sort of config file where you can bind the "toggle autoblock". so keylogging don't works.

maybe something that record the consecutive time the right mouse button is hold down could do...

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #98 on: September 17, 2011, 08:56:02 pm »
Suggestion, we should make a topic about what the best language is. Seems to be the focal of this topic now!

As a former FF11 player, I've spoken to plenty of JP players. A lot of them knew English, a lot of them refused to speak English, and a lot of them only knew enough to be taught broken English. Only a few of them were fully proficient and fluent in it, and for the ones that weren't, knowing a few phrases such as "ieie and donmai(even if that is just a borrowed English phrase)" were extremely helpful. Even knowing a word or two from a different language is sometimes enough to make them not hate you entirely by default. /shrug There were still plenty that didn't know the first thing about English, though.

To not get too far off topic, I originally put some consideration into Saulcanner possibly being an autoblocker myself, like Mr.Shine. However, after having played with him many times, and having watched him duel (where he actually utilizes chambering), I came to the same conclusion. It's the same story with Carebear, everyone was so sure he was an autoblocker. For months, several people a day would tell him they heard he was banned for getting caught, and Carebear would just respond "yup, that's why I'm here"

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #99 on: September 17, 2011, 10:12:32 pm »
@ Uftak:
You, like a few people, took that post far more seriously than you should have.  IE:  Not at all.   :P
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #100 on: September 17, 2011, 10:20:40 pm »
the only language worth knowing is sanskrit, Koine greek, and Latin. Every other languages are just derivatives.

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #101 on: September 17, 2011, 11:37:29 pm »
the only languages worth knowing are the ones that 95% of the people around you speak

I would much rather take another course of C++ as opposed to entertaining 5% of my city's population with broken spanish
now in other mixed language areas cough canada i know the situation is different
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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #102 on: September 17, 2011, 11:39:25 pm »
I would much rather take another course of C++ as opposed to entertaining 5% of my city's population with broken spanish

here a +1 is really deserved. still laughin  :mrgreen:

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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #103 on: September 17, 2011, 11:55:29 pm »
the only languages worth knowing are the ones that 95% of the people around you speak

I would much rather take another course of C++ as opposed to entertaining 5% of my city's population with broken spanish
now in other mixed language areas cough canada i know the situation is different
Hmm, that's a good point (and funny!) I'm gonna add programming languages to my list!
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: How do devs even know when ppl are autoblocking
« Reply #104 on: September 18, 2011, 12:15:50 am »
Canada isnt really a mixed language area for the most part... everyone in Quebec speaks french and everyone in the rest of Canada speaks english. its not like 20-50% of people in western Canada speak french... 99.99% of those in western Canada who know french also know english.