I didn't fight LLJK, I was a ninja for pretty much this entire strat session. I fought in some of Byzantiums battles as an applicant, none against LLJK though. When I was accepted in Byzantium they were already wiped out. I'm just reacting to all the boasting of several LLJK members of how they are unimpressed with EU clans their fighting ability, by stating how the only LLJK I remember seeing were a bunch of annoying trolls who were ruining the AI defense of two castles.
Which two castles are you referring to? Most of the AI defenses were pretty well run with a lot of defenders also being in our Teamspeak, the problem was EU players with high pings just jumping off the wall to go melee. If it was a joke siege with 40 attackers versus 10 defenders or whatever, then of course we are going to goof off and have fun playing instead of all serious about troop tickets or whatever.
Also the LLJK record for K/D is 0/50 held by LLJK_Sperger, at the second battle of Ayn Assuadi versus the Pecores.
We don't care how many troops we lose because it is about having fun in the battles. It is quite a different game compared to regular CRPG Battle, and we are pretty good at it compared to some clans I think. Our troops get massacred without mercs from other clans, but that is because at the start of Strategus over half of LLJK had been playing for less than two weeks. Our last few battles went particularly well, with the newbies that stuck around approaching their second or third generations.
Our cav corps consists of entirely veteran players of many months, which is why the shogunates got trampled into the ground at the field battle.
Infact, of all of our battles, the only time we had a positive overall KDR was when we were fighting the Shogunates. Our worst KDR was when fighting the Pecores. This is despite the fact that the Shogunate at the time were supposed to be the #1 clan due to their prowess at playing in the CRPG tournaments. This is similar I think to ATS and the Northern Empire, recruiting the best NA players and having regular practices and scrims, and then fucking up and losing easy battles.