never seen it before well a few days ago is it like free dance?
Pretty much, its a pretty creative outlet, you pretty much make your own dance or you can copy stuff from other dancers, I prefer the more aggressive dancers that do some crazy punches and kicks. But yeah, theres thousands of videos and tutorials on Youtube, I practice myself sometimes, it took me awhile but if you grab a favorite song with a nice beat its good fun.
I'll give you afew songs if you wanna get started, you can just look through the related songs part of youtube afterwards to look for new groups/artists. Thats how I did it at least. (My favorite group by far, and a favorite song. Alot more dancier than their older stuff, I generally prefer their older stuff but their newer stuff is great too) This song from Noisuf-X was the beginning for me, I started to delve deeper into the genre alittle more after enjoying this song quite abit. The artists of Noisuf-X has another project called X-Fusion which is alot darker and moody e.g. FGFC820 Another favorite, they're alot more dancey than the stuff I usually listen too, but they're good for me whom has come from a rather Metal musical background! Last but not least Aesthetic Perfection, I'm not a huge fan of these guys, but they've got a nice tone and I might aswell throw them in just to broaden the horizon alittle, if you know what I mean.(Amazing song to dance too though ;)
Have fun, I hope I've helped, if you're at all interested, otherwise if anybody else is interested, not a problem - in advance.