Go to duel server and learn to read the 2h anims.
Also watch out for the
lolstab, which it seems you have been the victim of.
It's a kind of combo of at least 3 advantages for the 2h.
1. Range, the stab has much greater range than his swings.
2. Movement. While moving away by turning, he don't loose any ground speed, and can come back faster and close than if he backwalked. (This also adds speed bonus to the stab, and many people chase the turning 2h giving double speed bonus to his damage.
3. Obfuscating the thrust animation, which becomes very hard to see when he moves. Some people add a wiggle to it so it becomes very hard to see when he releases.
*(some people look down and bends the character while doing it, hiding the release animation from your view..)
*(Also, there is a "bug" in thrust animations, if you swing into the enemy late in the animation after you released, u can hit him for full power even if you should be close enough for it to be a glance. This also goes for the lolpike i.ex)
So watch out for it, look at how the stab animation starts and be aware of it.
People practice this shit on duel servers all day.. The easy counter is to downblock until you hear it hit, just like how many shielders deal with feints.
Go duel!