Don't mind Urlukur even if 1H get 200 speed and 1shot everyone he will still whine about 2h/PA. He is the biggest whiner I have ever seen.
On topic:
1H+shield - pros: - shield that requires no skill to block with and protects against projectiles
- speed - 1h are the fastest weapons in the game (for comparison there is only one other weapon with matching speed, the katana)
- if they can put their shield away not even the katana can outspam them
- the best animation in the game - the left side swing that in 90% of the cases is a 1shot kill to the head, especially with pierce damage (what other build has a weapon with 33 pierce dmg on swing and 100 speed?)
- easiest gameplay, just facehug-spam to death-move to next enemy
- cons: - range (arguable, in clusterfucks less range is an advantage, you hits won't bounce)
- damage (this is arguable as there are some weapons like the 33 pierce pick that have high 1shot potential, but usually the only difference is that 1h require 2-3 hits to kill, while 2h/PA require 2 hits, but against another 2h/polearm, against a shielder even with a shield bonus weapon you need 6-7 hits to kill)
2H/Polearms - pros: - range (arguable, in clusterfucks more range=more bounce, also when a shielder hugs you your hits can bounce)
- damage (this is arguable though)
-cons: - have to manual block
- no projectile protection (and if you want a shield you must use shield skillpoints that are useless to you, compared to a 1h+shield that maximizes the benefits of shield skillpoints)
And to put it in a rock-paper-scissors way:
1h+shield is weak against cav, very strong against ranged and strong against 2H/PA
2h is weak against cav and ranged, mediocre against 1h+shield, mostly competes with other 2h/PA
PA is weak against ranged, strong against cav (they can use pike efficiently) and let's say strong against 1h+shield as the best polearms have bonus dmg vs shields
Note that I'm talking about regular battles, NOT DUELS.
But yeah, 1h+shield definetly needs more buffing, NERF 2H!!!!!11111
Actually, 1h are slower than 2h thanks to animations.
You admited that katana can outspam them with ease 1h with shield. Without shield 1h is outranged, have less speed and deal less damage and have wasted points in shield.
1h don't have best animations, 2h have best animations.
1h + shield do fine thanks to side sword. On the other hand, 2h should act as support with weapons with 111+ range. Right now greatswords are excellent dueling weapons which is just not fair.
Easiest gameplay have 2h - block overhead overhead overhead, bar mace, long iron mace, great maul.
At the moment, all melee do just fine.
1h thanks to side sword, pick and huscarl
2h thanks to barmace, mauls, german, greatswords, miaodao
Polearms thanks to pike, longawlpike, awlpike, hafted blades and heavy lance.
1h have edge over ranged, 2h have edge in melee, Poles have edge against cavalry.
2h and Poles have more points to spend as they don't have to waste them on shield skill, so are faster even more.