U want to know why attackers win quite often?
Because very often, defenders are more interested in killing the attackers coming from spawn than actually defending the flag
So many times i see guys saying "Wow man, we really held that wall." and defenders have lost 2-3 times in a row
So many times im running to the flag from a far off spawn point, spamming "FLAG" and "Defend the flag" via voice and defenders are running in the oppoiste direction to gank 1 attacker
So many times there are 20+ defenders on the wall, watching the flag go down but still shooting arrows into shields, and while i agree that a none-melee archer can do nothing at the flag im pretty sure some of them can at least keep it up for a few seconds
U want to know, in that situation, why defenders WIN sometimes?
Because attackers are the same players as defenders. They attack a backdoor, managing to chop it down within the first minute, and then proceed to ignore that entry way for the rest of the round. They want to chase the lone defender who is at spawn, 1 guy being chased by 10 is not uncommon.
There's 60 seconds to go, defenders are rushing towards attacker spawn, attackers are ignoring the fast routes and going up ladders or ganking defenders, blissfully and ignorantly unaware that they are costing their team the round.
And within it all, I am standing in my expensive plate armour, desperately trying to win the flag position while fantasizing how good it would feel right now to abuse admin powers.