EU1 today = cav mayhem
although on field by river the team with more cav lost overall so i wouldn't say it was that bad
Well, the cavteam raped for like 3-4 rounds until the entire enemy team started camping ruins...
Problem with cav is not that they're "op", it's that
1. (sadly) the counter to them is the most boring thing this game offers - archercamp.
2. when you reach "critical mass" with cav, they become so powerful on the open field that they strongly promote this playstyle.
Two main problems here imo:
Cav: The unlimited couch. Ever seen the "sweeping couch" at "low" speed with an arabian? Lances should be breakable imo, also return the 100 degree thrust, reduce horse maneuver and buff horse charge.
Ranged: Too powerful when allowed to camp, dunno how to fix tho
Also kiting archers are bs.