Attackers-6000 Defenders-3023
Post Battle
Attackers-2119 Defenders-0
The sWalker fought valiantly at Karindi killing more per "wound" than any other in the battle(89-37), while Tankman had the most kills on the defenders side(101-96). On the attackers side Darkkarma was the greatest warrior at (31-14), with DRZ-Naduril having the most kills(98-70).
The sWalker is fine with this defeat since the cold air of Karindi kept all the customers away from the sWalker franchise tavern...It was the sWalker's first taste of battle with DRZ...and their skill, along with their allies Chaos, was impressive. The sWalker has no more work to do this week in the "land of healing," so there will be many arrows in DRZ soldiers for the days to come.