Personally I just think they need to take crpg back to it's roots. Tell the community to fuck off and just do it your way dev's, it's your mod afterall.
Crpg was originally just a version of Native where you could pick your gear and stats and frankly I preferred it then. Now it is a bizarre mishmash of odd projectiles and occasional mad animations.
I miss the fun builds and the silly weapons, IE: boulderonastick and the loony toons axe. What happened to the Crpg sense of fun? Now everyone seems to be a miserable bastard hell bent on squeezing the most efficiency out of their build or gear, it's even affecting me, im fast becoming a miserable bastard myself because this game has become one of the most frustrating wastes of time ive ever took part in.
As for why I still play, because the internet and it's people being the unoriginal pile of goo that it is/they are and that question is bound to pop up here, I occasionally get the old feelings of hilarity and amusement out of this game, but it is far too rare.
I dont even want to get into the insanity of the stabs, slashes and other maddening elements that have been introduced recently. I never had a problem with 2 handed sword thrusts until the animation's were 'fixed'. Or the random freezes that dont afflict me in native or any other game for that matter.
Frankly I lay the blame on the majority as all do in such situations, the constant WAH WAHing about EVERY....SINGLE.....LITTLE....FUCKING...THING!!!!
Even im doing it, although my anger tends to come from a feeling of exasperation towards something that I, nor anyone else, can explain, like getting hit by a man not facing you and swinging in completely the opposite direction, of course we all know thats a big lie to cover up someone's ego or something because they are a bad player......which still doesnt explain why ive actually seen it with my own eyes.
Im not a liar and I dont care about score, (wouldnt play on Pebble_Pusher if I did,) I dont make shit up to make myself feel better when I make a mistake, I accept it and try and learn from it im happy to do so, ive even sat on minus scores without making an excuse or being bothered about it because I understood what I did wrong and how I got there. What I despise is being done in by something inexplicable and unexpected that leaves me with the classic 'what the fuck' face that I pretty much wear all the time now while playing this module.
The fact is, none of this would have come to pass had not the mighty community complained and complained about this and that till we are left with the rotten scrotum of Crpg's remains.