So i'm confused. I'm not really interested in fighting LLJK...but it sounds like some LLJK members don't have the mutual feeling towards ATS...
Now its understandable that pretty much any knuckle head with 10 dollars can be in LLJK...but who am i supposed to ignore and who am I supposed to acknowledge on the forums?
Gaga you've told me this in the past, please refresh my memory.
Listen I will explain this to you slowly.... No one ever said LLJK was going to fight ATS. I basically threw out my own opinion on what would happen if that were to happen. Which is that it would not make sense to fight ATS since they would obviously abuse their admin powers during the said strategus battle. Evidence was posted outlining what happened in the past. Then you post something like this which further proves you are trying to cop out on the accusation thrown into your face.
I believe Gaga has admin...and he's discussed with me many of the times the decisions we've made directed at LLJK. Each time i've expressed to him that its not the tag its the individual.
Ok then give him admin that lets him remove bans.
If we wanted to remove lljk, we'd remove all of them.
I mean this statement just sounds like someone that is afraid of some competition in the future.
Majority are quiet individuals who play, but a few go over the line either with game mechanics or trolling and it wont be accepted. But those are also the same people who voice their problems on the forums.
Wrong. I for instance played the game like it should be played with not using chat at all and being a good team player. Topping the charts with kills of the enemy. I get banned by CrtlAltDe1337 for my name while other players with the phrase "rapist" in their name gets to still play on your servers. Now I am on your ass in the forums. To indirectly quote your buddy Gorath who is always gagging on your small thimble cock "Let the shit talking exist on the forums. Not in the game."
And I have done just that as he has done. Difference is... You know who I am in game and I do not hide under 5 different Alts.

Uhm what?
Did you really just say that the admin staff is so shitty because we don't pay money?
Yes he really did say that.
No i'm saying the admins don't get paid, they volunteer.
Admin is a privilege not a job. They are hand picked by you. With the exception of LadyGaga they are all allies of yours in strategus.