Author Topic: Worst things about this game  (Read 7733 times)

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #60 on: August 30, 2011, 08:52:08 pm »
1. Using a bow or throwing weapons and having to re-learn how to play or retire every patch after major and senseless nerfs.
2. Using a bow or throwing weapons and being surprised how the devs managed to find one more way to nerf you even when you thought they had done everything.
3. The fact that the devs seem to despise realism balancing, but respond with realism explanations and links to youtube videos they're referencing when justifying ranged nerfs. Balancing nothing else according to realism.
4. Crossbows are immune to this for some reason.
5. Anyone who plays melee doesn't give a shit and just trolls game balance threads, because it doesn't effect them. "Fuck you, got mine."

i miss my old warbow sniper&machinegun archer with 7PD and 220wpf but... i think archery and throwing is fairly good now. now an effective archer must waste no arrows, if use a warbow/longbow needs protection, if use strongbow or khergit will be better for soloing but weaker.

i play primarily as a melee and i still see Jambi and other good archers topping scoreboards with warbows. Matumba uses a strongbow and yet is deadly.

about throwers, i tried a hybrid 2h/throwing 18/18 with 110 2h and 130ish throwing (PS6 PT6 ATH6 WM6) and was quite nasty and effective with jarids.
i even have a pure PT9 thrower with jarids and with some aim, is quite deadly. onehits any non-armored cav, 2hits warhorses, 1hit every build under 50 armor.

we have a good ranged percentage in every server. if archery would be like it was in 2010, would be a mess (like in native with the vaegir archers spam)

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #61 on: August 30, 2011, 09:51:21 pm »
my list

2. reloading while running away
3. immortal horses
4. the uber radius of the horse bump mechanic
5. backswings on long polearms (i can put my poleaxe into a wall/teammate with no problem but i cant take it out?)
6. the ability for horses to turn 180 degrees and then go 0-60 in 1.5 seconds
7. Crushthrough (Anything that can completely and utterly negate another play style) Long mauls arent bad as they are far too slow for a duel
8. Bec de corbin - Really? its not like the damn weapon isnt already invisable you also got to give it epic damage and speed?
9. Two handed sword thrusts - they loook soooooo stupid
10. flamberges have a two handed holding style when not being swung (it looks so stupid)
11. the difference between 0 wm and 10 wm is only 80 wpf
12. weapons that have a thrust that SHOULDNT (long maul, war axe 16c, regular hafted blade)
13. the only noticable difference between crossbows is the shade of brown that their stock has
14. rocks have a melee mode but throwing daggers dont
15. force shields
16. the rediculous accuracy of archers that require force shields
17. the running in zig zags to avoid arrows (as if that was an authentic tactic)
18. the stupid animation that shields are held in
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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #62 on: August 30, 2011, 09:54:40 pm »
Archers are stupid accurate yet zigzags can defeat then? Interesting.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #63 on: August 30, 2011, 10:00:46 pm »
my list
14. rocks have a melee mode but throwing daggers dont

We can't give throwing daggers/knives melee mode because we can't change or even rotate the weapon model for the alt mode. Well, we could but then one would stab with the hilt like someone who missed his first fighting lesson(Stick 'em with the pointy end.).

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2011, 10:23:42 pm »
We can't give throwing daggers/knives melee mode because we can't change or even rotate the weapon model for the alt mode. Well, we could but then one would stab with the hilt like someone who missed his first fighting lesson(Stick 'em with the pointy end.).
Would it be possible with WSE introduction? If yes, there're some interesting things that could be implemented (like hitting with a pommel in half-sword mode, etc.)

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #65 on: August 30, 2011, 11:06:48 pm »
We can't give throwing daggers/knives melee mode because we can't change or even rotate the weapon model for the alt mode. Well, we could but then one would stab with the hilt like someone who missed his first fighting lesson(Stick 'em with the pointy end.).

uh bullshit what do you think happens to the jarids and war darts when you swap them to melee
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 11:08:00 pm by MrShovelFace »
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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #66 on: August 31, 2011, 07:02:09 am »
uh bullshit what do you think happens to the jarids and war darts when you swap them to melee

Their model is not changed. Javelin-like throwing weapons and throwing axes are held by the grip while throwing so they are held right in melee mode. Daggers are held by the blade for throwing and when switched to melee they are held by the blade as well. Try it for yourself with the model system. But I think I waste my time here.

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #67 on: September 01, 2011, 05:31:25 pm »
Worst thing about the game is some of the players. The ones who can't handle when they are challenged and want the other guy to just roll over and die. Almost makes me ENJOY making them rage....almost.

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2011, 09:33:25 am »
I hate how everyone is suddenly so tanky, the feel of the game is broken for me. Goddamn 3 slashes to the face and people don't die on regular basis now. With fucking 8PS!!?!!?
Oh and the shit I survive sometimes is just ridiculous now, I would rather die for my mistakes.
Plus how a new patch fucked up my lvl 29 thrower back in the day, still cannot lvl him up to 31 to respec its pain in the ass to play him.

New stab animations suck and are confusing as fuck. People will stab with a sword it will seem like they miss, then they move their weapon in my direction and I get hit by that thing. I mean alright it touched me, but it looked more like he just laid that thing on my shoulder not stabbed me for 1/3 HP.

Throwing.... my throwing axes fly at the speed of a paper plane.

Buff kick :D
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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #69 on: September 15, 2011, 01:53:00 am »
That shields are not always solid objects, do not have directional block, and that the animation for the shield arm position when not blocking or when attacking is silly
That high powered attacks do not crushthrough or knockdown unless they are tagged for it
How blocking stab attacks work and the animation that goes with it
Predefined classes or any development moving in that direction
Arbitrary item difficulties (they should all be strength based, excepting horses) and too high of a correlation between item difficulty and gold cost (they should be unrelated)
Clan elitism in pub servers
Not enough horses
Not enough items in general
Strange hitbox detection
The size of the gap stat-wise between a lvl 1 and lvl 30 character.

Offline Corrado_Decimo

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #70 on: September 15, 2011, 02:42:17 am »
That high powered attacks do not crushthrough or knockdown unless they are tagged for it
you're right about knockdown, but crushthrough doesn't have nothing random variable.
back in 2010, i was a full time barmace/morningstar blockcrusher. when i was leveling between gens, every tick of powerstrike added more crushthru power. and when the difference between my ability to pass the block was even with the enemy ability to stop it, gaining speedbonus + hold attack + hitting with the very end of the weapon, was a sure crushthru.

so no. crushthru does not contain a random variable. is just raw damage (involving powerstrike, weight of the weapon, speed bonus, attack modifier.. like a good timed hold attack giving x1.5 to damage.... and weapon striking zone) x weapon weight (i don't know the true formula).

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #71 on: September 15, 2011, 03:09:10 am »
Someone start a thread named "Best things about this game" already.

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #72 on: September 15, 2011, 04:48:01 pm »
Damn kiting archers. Solution would be increase of weight of bows. Make it like 3.0 for lighter and 6.0 for heaviest. And reduce damage by 2 so they have to use more power draw to deal damage, thus decreasing their agility and athletic.

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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #73 on: September 15, 2011, 06:13:54 pm »
We can't give throwing daggers/knives melee mode because we can't change or even rotate the weapon model for the alt mode. Well, we could but then one would stab with the hilt like someone who missed his first fighting lesson(Stick 'em with the pointy end.).
They did it in WFaS. Maybe take a look at their code when it comes out and TOTALLY NOT COPY/STEAL FROM IT.
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Re: Worst things about this game
« Reply #74 on: September 15, 2011, 06:22:23 pm »
1. Nearly everyone (well, honestly, just way too many people including myself) using crossbows or bows

The amount of ranged would be a lot healthier if:
a. Crossbows would need some sort of specialization. Like make them require power draw but not gain benefit from it. You could still do decent hybrids but at least you'd have to invest in them a bit more.
b. Archers would not be able to do retarded run -> turn to shoot -> repeat tactics. You could compensate it with somewhat better melee abilities, though mace is pretty damn good weapon for 1 slot.

2. The previously mentioned kiting from archers. If you run, you should be unable to to fight at the same time. Crossbows are far better in this manner: if you have an arbalest you either grab your melee weapon when someone gets close or run and try to get far enough to reload.
3. Mace could be slightly worse, but that isn't really too bad.

For refrence I play a polearm character and carry a crossbow since it's by far the best option. The 2 slots I have for crossbow and bolts would be a lot worse with throwing and archery. I'd actually have to sacrifice a lot more to carry either of the option without too big benefit.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 06:27:50 pm by Elmokki »