U talkin ''Polearm lolstab'' or 2h Lolstab?
Both. The 2h lolstab is the more rediculous of the two and is a fucking retarded broken thing, but the polearm lolstab is stupid as well. Just stabs in general act moronic and do strange and nonsensical shit. Using weapons without the ability to stab you start noticing what a huge fucking broken crutch of idiocy it is. Mancleaver 4 lyf.
Also don't hate da cavs! Without cavs and ranged this turns into a duel game mode 24/7 with possibility that teammates might join in and gank as well!
Well aim at other people then. I'm either forced into the bundle of sticksry of carrying a shield (which still doesn't work as it gets shot around, over and under all the time.) and a damned pike of some sort just so I can hopefully survive long enough to GET to the melee battle. Which is why more often than not I get on my ranged or cav alt anymore in this damned game just so I can fucking shoot back / get to the battle faster and kill sooner.
too many words, fuck you all, fuck it all, fuck the world,
fuck everything that you stand for
don't belong, don't exist
don't give a shit
don't ever judge me