If you like to take some hits (which you can with your armor), I'd go for the 21-15 build. It's personally my favorite, and it favors the more offensive play style. If you want be dueling/effective in 1v1; go for the 21-18 build or the 24-15 build. Both have no or low IF and favor turtle like play styles because they have no IF. If you choose a build with no IF, use a big shield and a short weapon, and play carefully. However, seeing as you like to be aggressive, I would go with the 21-15 build. It's fun on siege as well as effective in battle as a support/distraction role.
The Broad one handed axe is great, as well as the steel pick. However, my favorite 1h with the more strength heavy role is the regular espada eslavona thing. It's short, fast, and is better when use aggresively.
Whatever you choose, have fun with it.