I dunno, it seems very.......well story based and strict. I like Warband, the combat is based mostly about skills, not about who has the best gear or who has the biggest lvl. Yes it does help....but its the only game on the planet where a lvl 15 in a T-shirt using a 1h sword can kill a full armored knight. Theres something heroic about that.
The other fact is that in Warband, in single player, the world doesnt need the player at all, youd might aswell be dead, it doesnt feel like every1 where just holding a thumb in their asses until you showed up, it feels nice and refreshing. And Warband just needs to fix their stupid sieges, which are the lamest things i have ever seen in a medieval game( freaking 1 ladder on a wall, WTF is that shit), also some tweaks in combat wouldnt hurt. The point is, I doubt its gonna be the death of Warband with release of this game, Warband is a great game, althou lances to go trough the trees etc.