The xWalkers know who they are sequel, the sWalker would even bet that some are in your very clan...they don't change their names...we shall gather an elite army and put an end to this silly strategus peace. The xWalkers are a democracy, however, so the object of our attack has not been revealed as of yet...We shall leech a force of men and gold and decide on our prey. Outside of the battlefield our motives are our own (some of us are evil and some of us are good), but you will never see us run on the battlefield or take spawns instead of finishing our opponents in honorable combat. For those that ask if they are an xWalker, all you need to do is read the previous sentences and devote a small portion of your men and gold to the sWalker...Those are the only requirements. For the most part, if battles rage and pretenders don't dishonor the glorious battlefields, then we shall remain inconspicuous...