Author Topic: Shield difficulty  (Read 1561 times)

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Re: Shield difficulty
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2011, 02:56:46 pm »
Lol - forgot about them  :mrgreen:  I was tired, that's my only excuse.

@Hotpokka - do you think that build would ever be able to hit anything?  I can see it being useable for a 2HAnder or Polearm due to those weapons' longer reaches, but a 1 handed weapon i'm not so sure about.  At least it would let 1 handers have the option of using that build though.

An alternative that's much simpler would be to reduce the weakest shield difficulties to 0 so anybody can use them.

A full strength shielder would be able to hit people.

I did STF on a 36/3 12 PS 11 IF 1 hander build and I'm using weapons around 80 reach and I have no trouble killing everyone.

Usually they just come to me and if not while I can't outrun people running away, I can get to people given enough time.

Offline Wookimonsta

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Re: Shield difficulty
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2011, 03:19:21 pm »
been suggested lots of times before, shot down everytime
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Re: Shield difficulty
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2011, 03:34:21 pm »
I actually posted this same idea a month ago and it was met with a similar reception. I agree with the OP that shields should have their difficulty strength based. Shield skill on the other hand can remain agility based as the skill is a pseudo weapon proficiency category.

You would see the evolution of utility shieldmen who have high strength but lack shield skill; they would take board and huscarl shields for coverage against ranged fire, but be slow in their blocking with the heavy shields. There would also be skilled shieldmen with lower strength and high shield skill who take bucklers and smaller shields. No longer would bucklers only be available to the highest levels, which is currently incredibly stupid imo. Difficulty and gold price would not be so highly correlated as well hopefully (high difficulty/low gold price, low difficulty/high gold price, etc.).

The reason this idea would create unbalanced builds is due mostly to the speed at which you can backpeddle, rotate the character, and the benefits of strength per point. These are really problems with the game as a whole, so the idea isn't bad in itself, but rather because the game has some unrealistic mechanics already. Perhaps with wpe the idea is possible.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 03:36:24 pm by ArchonAlarion »

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Re: Shield difficulty
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2011, 03:21:30 am »
I actually posted this same idea a month ago and it was met with a similar reception. I agree with the OP that shields should have their difficulty strength based. Shield skill on the other hand can remain agility based as the skill is a pseudo weapon proficiency category.

You would see the evolution of utility shieldmen who have high strength but lack shield skill; they would take board and huscarl shields for coverage against ranged fire, but be slow in their blocking with the heavy shields. There would also be skilled shieldmen with lower strength and high shield skill who take bucklers and smaller shields. No longer would bucklers only be available to the highest levels, which is currently incredibly stupid imo. Difficulty and gold price would not be so highly correlated as well hopefully (high difficulty/low gold price, low difficulty/high gold price, etc.).

The reason this idea would create unbalanced builds is due mostly to the speed at which you can backpeddle, rotate the character, and the benefits of strength per point. These are really problems with the game as a whole, so the idea isn't bad in itself, but rather because the game has some unrealistic mechanics already. Perhaps with wpe the idea is possible.

this makes sense