This looks like a super fin map to work on! You can hide all sorts of easter eggs in there
I think the hard part with a wetland map like that would be getting the elevations just right, you don't want players under water hiding, or so many depressions that it becomes impossible to find one another. What plant props would you use for the hugh amount of long grass?
The candidates I see for long grass are as follows:
Basak: it's nice and thick, and doesn't look bad when you stretch it in the z-axis. It also has cat-tails, so that's a little swampy/suddy.
Common Plant: another good candidate. Thick and also a little dull in color for those areas that aren't mossy green.
Grass: stretch it out in the z-axis to twice it's original size or slightly under and you have a good candidate for The Sudd.
Grass_saz: possibly as an accentuation
Grass_steppe: again, another good candidate. Just like Grass, but a little dull in color for those areas that aren't mossy green.
Those are just some I would guess he might use, Nasturtium. I looked at them and stretched them out to 2 times the normal size in the z-axis only. Increasing the x and y axis just made it look like I shrunk, and not that the grass grew tall.
Isn't the problem with high grass that people can just drop their graphics settings and it will disappear?
Not if it's placed in the scene as a prop. If it's part of the map's original terrain code, then yes, but I don't think that it will disappear if it's placed as a prop. I'll go check that though......yep, I'm right. The grass will stay if place as a prop.