I find that crushthrough vs 2h and polearm parries is fair game as it makes sense. I would like to see sword and boards gain some kind of resistance to it through increased points in shield. Heavier shields would also accomplish the same thing. It is my understanding that weight vs weight has a lot to do with it. So maybe increase shield weights to like 8 for huscarls making it a solid block against blunt
Thing is about adding weight is it would make us even slower and I doubly don't want that.
To the maul guy well yeah your using a short, slow weapon with an sky high chance of crushing through of course your going to get spammed to death since its like the only way to kill you.
To brutal - If i wanted to play rock, paper, scissors i would go find the nearest five year old and challenge him. I want to play warband. Instant I win buttons are not encouraged.
PS. I love you hammer guys I usually kill you before you get a chance to crush through on me, it is the bar mace whats op not crush through. With the heavy loom its long, fast, and wallace can crush through at least 90% of the time on me
I use the heavy round shield as well.