Author Topic: List of bugs BRD and their alliances expoliting  (Read 23575 times)

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Re: List of bugs BRD and their alliances expoliting
« Reply #255 on: August 07, 2011, 03:09:47 pm »

I do not go on vent anymore, nor do I really play this game.  So I cannot confirm or not if BRD or FCC are being fruitcakes and hackers or whatever they're being accused of.

Just know, that if I were still playing, your little clan would be wiped out from all servers. In fact, the entire map would already belong to Wiegr... err, FCC.

Wiegraf, dammit, don't tell them who the secret leader of the FCC is who has been behind everything, now they will try and assasinate you. 

Also, +1 Sitting Bull.  All they had to do was transfer gold to their village and then over to you (wide radius of transfer around villages) and they could have paid their mercenaries.  Kind of strange to see a clan that "started mercenary company idea on strat" doesn't even know to pay their mercenaries.

FYI: Having a 30 page whine thread everytime we do something you don't like on Strategus is gettign pretty funny (how old are you guys).  If you'll notice every glitch you've done we just do a simple post on bug reports to see it get fixed and no 30 page thread trying to discredit you as "backstabbers" or "meanies" or whatever you want to call us.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: List of bugs BRD and their alliances expoliting
« Reply #256 on: August 07, 2011, 04:34:00 pm »
That is no excuse. There are multiple working methods to transfer gold.
Yes, because everyone is next to each other on strat, right? I don't really care about exactly HOW they could pay them anyway, but just wanted to point out to him that the payment system doesn't work right now and that's why the mercs couldn't pay them, doing it manyally by transfering would be a complete bitch. Also, there's no reason to go around -ing a post that just tries to point out things to make it clearer for everyone. Now grow up everyone.

EDIT: ALso it's not multiple working methods to transfer gold. Only two in totall (payment and transfer) and only transfering is working right now.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 04:36:17 pm by Zapper »
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Re: List of bugs BRD and their alliances expoliting
« Reply #257 on: August 07, 2011, 07:11:50 pm »
I'm sorry didn't I pay 1000000 (a million) cRPG gold to goRN_the_Grey?, and several more people. Today I'm going to pay several 100.000 to some other players. The point is, you did not play well at all and you absolutely do not deserve a single cent with that K:D ratio. I told you in a PM if you insist getting paid for horrible K:D ratio and start calling everyone with names who refuses to pay you for your horrible performance, you simply ruin your reputation. I still strongly believe you guys were fighting for BRD in that battle and it was I who refused to pay you.
Ask yourself why other people are getting paid shit loads of money from me and why you get nothing?

1 you had an absolute bs performance, even lvl 15 players were asking 500 gold.
2 you chose to curse at me in pms
3 after that you tried to settle in dhirim area
4 your member made a double account just to encourage other people to attack us

Do you really think you are entitled to teach me Mercenary system or speak of keeping words and shit? Do you seriously think that I'd mind paying you 5000 gold in total if you had a decent performance? I spend 200K in a battle plus extra hundreds of thousands of gold.

You just didn't ruin your reputation and you made me your enemy. Therefore I took your fief and left you no home no money noob. Don't like it? go cry to someone else then. People are abusing bugs here and coming and telling me how wrong to not to pay 500g per bunch of bad players.

You guys are just AMAZING

P.S Plus telling people that we gonna side with someone to take em out of the map, just to get troops from them is even more amazing. Applause people applause.  just give me -1s like I give a damn about it.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 07:16:05 pm by Noctivagant »
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Re: List of bugs BRD and their alliances expoliting
« Reply #258 on: August 08, 2011, 03:37:20 am »
I still strongly believe you guys were fighting for BRD in that battle and it was I who refused to pay you.

Again with this? We had zero relations with FCC before the war started, they just payed for our mercing services. Me thinks someone's a bit paranoid.

1 you had an absolute bs performance, even lvl 15 players were asking 500 gold.

One of my members did. Oh well, don't hire him again, get over it. Only three of my guys signed up for your fight from what I saw. You act like we all went in there, then threw the fight so that FCC would win or something horrendously stupid like that.

2 you chose to curse at me in pms

I'm sure you cried yourself to sleep about that one.  :lol:

3 after that you tried to settle in dhirim area

After that we made a deal with the FCC. Before that, we had noooo intention of getting involved in whatever feud was in that area, we had our eyes set elsewhere.

4 your member made a double account just to encourage other people to attack us

Yeah, and then the moron got banned for being a moron. I had absolutely no idea one of my members did that until he mentioned it the next day (after he was banned). And really, you think that one forum post rallied the foreign troops against you or something?  :rolleyes:

Do you really think you are entitled to teach me Mercenary system or speak of keeping words and shit?

What??? When the hell did I try and teach you about mercing?  :shock: And yeah, I can talk about keeping ones word. I've never broken mine when a deal or guarantee was made.

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Re: List of bugs BRD and their alliances expoliting
« Reply #259 on: August 08, 2011, 04:10:22 am »
This has gone on long enough.