Was? There sure is!
Only part time though? I'll make a new list for supporters and allies then.
But I have to go to bed an hour ago, so I'll get it done tomorrow...
Alright, just bought the ragged outfit so that I am prepared should we meet on the battlefield.
(Part time, yes, I like to play (heavy) cav once in a while, accompany Dima/ Drz, I like to have different options cos I get bored so easily.)
My main char is a lancer/ pikeman hybrid, name King_of_the_world_gen7
I will use for my part time highlander Ragged Outfit, Khergit Leather Boots, pike, long knobbed or spiked mace, and (not sure about if it fits the theme) long voulge.
I usually play at least an hour a day, usually EU1, sometimes EU2.