Battle time: 02.08., 19:00
- Battle duration: 32m44s
- Army size: 5484 vs 4500
- Battle result: 0 vs 1616
- Winner: Defender
hi guys we have lose thist battle,because to many kurdish rebels are in the castle were,the rebels were very good organized,because there very good fighters
but not so good as turks
aahhh is a joke.But we must learn from them attack to bardaq castle....dont attack a castle without 10000 tickets dont attack without 2000 ladders,and make a plan b
and dont trust siege weapons guys....thx for all mans of honor for tryng to help us.....and uuuuuu defenderrrsss we hate u
we want kill u sometime not ööööö not now ööö not now
SORRY for my bad english