What I really hate about team stacking clans is that they have voice comms. I know for a fact that their dead tend to tip off the living about the enemies positions. That's cheating.
Especially when they warn teammates that are in danger to get raped. Thats lame.
[Edit to add] This could be fixed if the dead view would be set to the setting that you can only view your own team and to the direction they're looking at.
This option you have in the admin panel.
Problem however is, at the end of the round, one guy hiding, clearly delaying the round, eventually turning it into a draw.
His teammates, lets say they have a good multiplicator, wont vote-kick him.
The other team, however,
maybe even some not so patienced admin, will kick him, even when he is not afk and trying to win the round with playing "smart".
Maybe we could try it for a while, see how it works.
But wait, actually I am retired. lol