O DEAR ME! whos guarding rizi? i hope its more than 2000

also ill take disorganization over breaking my word, which
I didnt break. because we are disorganized, many of us cant get on daily, only weekly and have work, so im glad we got that out of the way. We are not liars nor oath breakers, im glad you finally decided to clear that up
That you guys are so disorganized that you cannot even organise your diplomatic agreements is your problem.
and im sure you''ll turn around and say no your disorganized and liars, but yet many of our clan didnt know about it and the higher ups hadn't given you a confirmation of well anything, besides my mistype you haven't anything typed of me agreeing to anything. So rather than destroying "traitors" as you so wrongly branded us, its more of invaders. King Palzek before you reply please post where i agree to vassalage, not that same "we" letter i sent you. because at the moment your using a mistype to say i agreed to something.