me and my bro are trying the bring prices down people, with these good un-jew prices we promote...unlike...
hazzaroo22 Thick Great Helmet 10000000
Druzhina_Antip Masterwork Niuweidao 1500000
Servin_It_Up Powerful Morningstar 925000
ARNOR_Hervigil Thick Milanese Plate 550000
people like this make me sick
You need to smack the shit out of godwin, every time I see this it makes me lol, he keeps putting the same offers up over and over
ING_GodwinTheDelicate Masterwork Red Tassel Spear Mighty Great Long Axe 100000
ING_GodwinTheDelicate Masterwork Red Tassel Spear Mighty Long Axe 100000
ING_GodwinTheDelicate Masterwork Red Tassel Spear Mighty Long War Axe 100000
ING_GodwinTheDelicate Masterwork Red Tassel Spear Mighty Poleaxe 100000