What are the chances for a map that has been fixed to find its way into implementation?
I've already edited some maps and fixed the attacker flag locations
in Dirigh Aban and a defender flag in
Ichamur, but maybe I posted the files in the wrong place. The map was still the same last I saw it on the strat server.
I'll also take a look through this thread for any other ones I can change to fix the inviso-wall problem (Ayyike is one) or flags that disappear inside hills/slopes/mounds when downed, but I wonder if/when the result will actually be helpful.
One problem that comes up in certain castles and towns is the way walls react to catapult shots. Is it an intended feature for a fully broken wall to remain visible but go completely intangible (i.e. you walk right through it)? Some of the broken wall objects bug out and remain one-way barriers, as well, and some of them will shift position illogically in ways that will create barricades where there were none before (like, the top of the wall will be higher up on one side of the broken model than it is on the undamaged one).
There are also numerous castles that would benefit gameplay to have a working gate of some kind, though I suppose some not having them creates variety. Still, having no way for defenders to leave a castle can create problems with how long battles play out at the end.
There are spots you can become stuck on certain maps, too, but of course forgetting which ones is not very useful.