Author Topic: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?  (Read 40637 times)

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #315 on: September 10, 2011, 08:42:52 pm »
don't know whodafak you are, but you must be NA to come out with such an inaccurate statement about Eu cRPG like that.

Do not know who the hell you are, but you must be EU because of the condescending tone. (I'm so good at making assumptions)

I like how you assume even though it's not written anywhere in my post that I was making a statement about EU-Crpg, please, stop using your superior EU logic to read my mind, I don't want my head to explode.

but yea sure, think whatever you like and I'll do the same because that's how these sort of things work.

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« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 08:46:00 pm by Memento_Mori »

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #316 on: September 10, 2011, 08:47:43 pm »
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you lol'd, i lol'd, we both lol'd, but i lol'd louder and harder (cos i'm a condescending English toff).

oh and this clip, which is of NA, kinda destroys your tincan day-mares you've been having...cos, there ain't actually that many derp
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 01:11:25 am by polkafranzi »
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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #317 on: September 11, 2011, 10:35:28 am »
so many plated chargers these days thanks to no upkeep for first 25 lvls of 1st gen players. nubs trampling nubs, feeling powerful. that was a terrible idea.

you want to make it so that everyone not just nubs can use plated chargers.


omg.. can't you deal with level 25 gen1 plated charger riders?

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #318 on: September 11, 2011, 12:23:59 pm »
omg.. can't you deal with level 25 gen1 plated charger riders?

Yes I can but it takes some time. But I didn't say that because I can't deal with them, there are 2nd or 3rd gen people who are still noobish who have issues. Anyway, that was stupid move and plated chargers are lame gear. I always voted for them to be removed from the game, along with black armor and such ugly items we have in this mod.

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #319 on: September 11, 2011, 02:20:28 pm »
I think the lv 25 tincans are hilariously funny, not too many of them and they add to the diversity of the battlefield.

I don't see a problem here.
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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #320 on: September 12, 2011, 08:22:55 am »
well you say thats annoying.
how bout an champion plated charger with an steel shield and an MW arabian cav sword.
hmm what seems worse,considering every gen 2 player had the ability to sell him loompoint and walk with charger all the time.
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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #321 on: September 12, 2011, 10:57:19 am »
well you say thats annoying.
how bout an champion plated charger with an steel shield and an MW arabian cav sword.
hmm what seems worse,considering every gen 2 player had the ability to sell him loompoint and walk with charger all the time.

a gen1 level 25 main character can't have +3 plated charger +3 arabian cav sword.

we were talking about under level 26 gen1 plated charger riders without upkeep.

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #322 on: September 12, 2011, 12:31:39 pm »
Back in the days, as you surely remember, players like those were cannon fodder. Right now it takes some time to kill them not because they are skilled (which they are not, at all) but because they have 80 armor overall...

Why should some noob get such privilege when most of us, when we started playing this mod had to go throught that painful rite of initiation being peasant?

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #323 on: September 12, 2011, 01:15:22 pm »
Back in the days, as you surely remember, players like those were cannon fodder. Right now it takes some time to kill them not because they are skilled (which they are not, at all) but because they have 80 armor overall...

Why should some noob get such privilege when most of us, when we started playing this mod had to go throught that painful rite of initiation being peasant?

uhm... we old players have by far more privileges... (10+ gen, from 300k gold to several millions...)

i really never had big issues being a peasant... because that time cRPG was a new game for me... i just enjoyed even dying soon and watch heroes showing off their skill, learning game mechanics, improving builds and personal skills...

i wouldn't be a peasant again... must be terribily boring to grind with no gear now that i somewhat know the game and "that" new game feel is gone.


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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #324 on: September 12, 2011, 01:35:19 pm »
On high turn over servers *cough* the Australian one. You just piss gold, I mean literally it comes out your wang. Its just painful. Sheild + Nordic Champions Sword + Rus Armour = Bankrupt in 5 rounds. Often we play with 20 people or less and rounds can turn over in less than 60 seconds on some of the smaller maps we play, when you only get 2 or 3 ticks and then get hit for 2 or 3 k, it just doesn't work out and there is no managing it.

The only people that stay in plate armour are the ones that are selling looms, but when that runs out we are only going to have peasants and at that point Old_Peasant_2 will be king of the hill.
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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #325 on: September 12, 2011, 01:55:40 pm »
a gen1 level 25 main character can't have +3 plated charger +3 arabian cav sword.

we were talking about under level 26 gen1 plated charger riders without upkeep.

heh, some people have 2+ game keys, can have a normal main and a lvl25 full plate + PC derp with heirloomed stuff because they transfer the stuff between their mains.

And now that I mention it I'm serious thinking about doing it x)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 01:57:00 pm by Kafein »

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #326 on: September 12, 2011, 01:57:23 pm »
Back in the days, as you surely remember, players like those were cannon fodder. Right now it takes some time to kill them not because they are skilled (which they are not, at all) but because they have 80 armor overall...

Why should some noob get such privilege when most of us, when we started playing this mod had to go throught that painful rite of initiation being peasant?

Have you even fired up an alt and played till level 25? Chances are if one has managed to get a plated charger, they will have no other equipment, or at least very little.

I will say that by level 20 most will have a full equipment set, but it will still be medium and nothing amazing. If they save up for plate, they sure as hell won't have a decent weapon.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 01:58:59 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #327 on: September 12, 2011, 02:00:09 pm »
Back in the days, as you surely remember, players like those were cannon fodder. Right now it takes some time to kill them not because they are skilled (which they are not, at all) but because they have 80 armor overall...

Why should some noob get such privilege when most of us, when we started playing this mod had to go throught that painful rite of initiation being peasant?

Let a "noob" have all that, cos by now, all of us who have been playing much longer should quite easily be able to take down a noob no matter what gear set he is using.
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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #328 on: September 14, 2011, 02:18:38 am »
Hi, so you guys are all talking about what it's like as a new player. I'm a new player. I started playing a few days ago and had literally just got some decent (and not even tincan) gear with a danish great sword and then I hit level 26 and I can't use any of it. I played for about 20 minutes at x3 multiplyer and lost about 2000 of my 16000 gold. The real problem, is that with the current way of gaining money there is a limit on how much you can make no matter how well you do so it's impossible to out weigh the upkeep. With the old system you could gain money if you did well and then you would be able to outweigh the cost of tin-canning.

You say it gives the game more variation. It doesn't. It makes it so that everyone has to wear trash armor and there's no point in the equipment system whatsoever.

 I don't want to wear leather, I want to be a knight. Why put in the plate and then make it un-usable? Learn to balance items around their stats and not just take the easy way out.

Make the plate armor/plated charger/etc much more expensive and remove upkeep. Otherwise - to me personally - this mod is broken.

(Oh and the guy above me is right, even when I do wear the good armor I still get mowed because I'm not as good as the vets)

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Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« Reply #329 on: September 14, 2011, 02:23:09 am »
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You Sir, just got your first +1  :wink:
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