So why are you a cool and successful internet guy if you go 2h spam, but not any other spec?
2H is an art and the only true way to play this wonderful game. Most 2H players do suck at it, badly but those among their ranks, so called the best players are truly wonderful to spectate and play against.
Cavalry is cool but most cavs are basterds of the worst kind and 80% of their kills are backstabs, lame couch kill and peasant chasing. Only few actively engage in lancer vs lancer duels which are on par with 2H skill wise. 1H sword mounted is lame and is pussy way to play the game (full backstabber mode) - that's my class currently
One handed sword is cool but shield is a crutch, basically.
Archers and other ranged are there because game is simulating medieval battlefields, they are worthless scum and just annoy everyone who want to play "skilled".