Author Topic: How do I get people kicked for not reading the text in the game?  (Read 3289 times)

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Re: How do I get people kicked for not reading the text in the game?
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2011, 12:18:46 am »
It's happened to me twice, I see a ton of red text, with the name of some griefer and an accusation of leeching, which vanishes fast, and then I get kicked.

So how do I grief other players with this awesome new feature?
You must be a very very very slow reader with bad comprrehension....
P.S:It tells you what to press.
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Re: How do I get people kicked for not reading the text in the game?
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2011, 02:54:34 am »
Eh, looks like (on the EU siege server, anyway) if you report someone with QML but they hit M before the timer, it now costs you a multiplier point.

So.. not likely people will keep using it since plenty of genuine leechers aren't necessarily afk, but just hiding out and chatting or whatever.  Not worth the risk.

It does permit the griefer game, however, of posing as a leecher - somewhere a bit ahead of your team's spawn, say - to get people to report you, so you can press M and cost them a multiplier. 

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Re: How do I get people kicked for not reading the text in the game?
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2011, 03:18:52 am »
Is it hard to read a sentence in 30 seconds?  :rolleyes:

At least now you know to just press M, in the case that you didn't before. Please stop leeching
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