You know that fencer is (was?) bjord's 1h alt? Never saw him on a battle server but on the duel server he did just fine. And what about paul, me, you, some of the mercs who's names I forget. All capable of topping scoreboards as 1hs.
Yes i know, he didn't dominated battle. Urist do fine with everything, you did fine before patch, i don't recall playing with you post patch, really. I don't top scoreboard all the time, yes, quite often, but even less often than i did in Native. Some merc top it from time to time, there are many other 1h users who do it.
Well, the point of post tortoro replied to was to show that many 2h user top the scoreboard. Like many throwers, polearms, cavalry, archers and xbow (least often, i didn't seen many xbow oriented builds lately).
IMO 2hander dosen't need a nerf. If anything does it's shields, i personally manage to top scoreboards with 1h/shield all the time. Really, It is a lot easier to face multiple enemies with shield, you dont have to worry about manual blocking (some players would be absoloutely useless without shields) and you can just laugh at projectiles. Really, in the battle these things outweigh more dmg, speed and reach.
Shields don't need a nerf, they need change. I would love to see manual block (combined with blocking with mesh, like on left/right swings blocked by opposite block with good footwork) for them. It's stupid that it blocks everything, and getting rusty with manual block when using shield that don't break hurts and make me sad. Also i would love to have lesser range, damage and speed gap, so i can feint freely against 2h and Poles.