So I looked at most of the other threads about the recent Warband patch, and I'm wondering:
Does that mean we all have to re-download the game period, or are they going to update the servers/module sometime?
It'd be pretty retarded if I had to redownload the game and keep it at its not-latest version just because they didn't patch the mod.
Hey, you're harsh mate, you said "just because they didn't patch the mod", but do you know the time it take to code all the modification and to release this patch? Be patient plz, you know this guys are not salary, and be confident, you will see a patch any time soon.
in the meanwhile :
Quote from: Overdriven on Today at 20:59:05
Found a full proof way (been mentioned) and cmp said not to directly install over steam files but so far it's the only method that works 100% for me.
1. Download old patch from cmps link: or 2. Disable warband from automatically updating on steam.
3. Install the patch to your program files (default option).
3. Once it's done, rename to mountblade warband (the steam name) and copy into your steamapps/common directory.
4. Overwrite and merge ect.
5. Start crpg and there you go. You can play. No loss to mods, options, banners ect ect.