I suggest we add a few minor commands to the voice command list. Making a few commands simpler to access would make the game a lot more easy on the teamwork front. Best part about this change is that most of the work is already done, many of the sound files exist and it would just be a matter of changing the bindings (i think).
[Q]uick Menu:
Bind these in a similar format to the movement keys for easy relaying of positional information. Given that they mirror normal behaviors the commands should become second nature, even in the absence of [v]erbal cues.
QQW: Ahead
QQS: Behind
QQA: Left
QQD: Right
[F]ormation Menu
QFA: "Attack!"
The formation section lacks a command for attacking. Currently this has no overlap.
QFF: change to "In[f]antry"
All other classes have an easy to access command on the left hand near movement keys (A[r]chers, [C]avalry). Since infantry is a bulk of the forces there should be an swift way to address them as a group. Currently QFF is "Keep your [F]ormation" which, while useful, does not form the basis of many commands and shouldn't really need to be repeated.
QFI: change to "Keep your format[i.]on"
See above. As a command used less often it should take the less accessible right hand position.
Wrap-up: Why should you care?
I'm always a fan of there being more options in the game. Given that only one of the changes i've suggested modifies the current key setup in any way, most people who weren't interested in the new commands could easily ignore them avoiding the issue of people being forced to learn a new system over again. People interested in teamplay with those not on their voice communications server would have a few extra tools with which to work. I'd wager that if we thought about it there are a few other commands (5 max, not a huge overhaul just a minor tweak) that would make relaying information significantly easier.
For the price of a small tweak we could increase the teamwork possibilities on CRPG a decent amount. Anyone have any suggestions for a very few additions? Ideally this wouldn't be more than 5 to 10 changes so make them important, or efficient. Anyone know any possible cons to implementing this idea?