Author Topic: The Confession of the Maverick  (Read 2894 times)

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Offline Marknificent

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The Confession of the Maverick
« on: April 24, 2019, 02:22:13 am »
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*Scene i - The Confrontation - : Yeldur, Head administrator of cRPG stands on the pulpit facing the community. Most have gathered here to witness the trial of the public enemy number one and the hero of PW - Duckie Tinadel. Suddenly out of the main corridor of the pillared doorway Grim Reaper the Viscount and Pablo Glendor drag him out by pulling on his binded arms. Suddenly the masses hail caustic remarks so many that most of it seems like a blur of animosity and malice. Looking up from facing the ground the prisoner sees many pointing and raising their arms with indignation at him. Suddenly his eye caught someone who had climbed on the statue of Ripper X: his lawfully wedded wife, Tiny Glancer. Suddenly Duckie is yanked by his captors and is forced to bear through the crowd. Amongst this crowd stand Crazy Polak, Largos, Roran, Rulka, Voncrow, Judie, and Gorpglodon. All of them spit in his face and scream "Double spawner!", "Team killer!" and occasionally "Retard!". However, he passes one of his Banner man, Twinkle of House Veridum, he implores him to look at the statue of Ripper X to save his wife from being found by saying "Anorexic dolphins!". Twinkle spots his wife.*

*Scene ii - The Choice - : They bring him up the steps of the pulpit where he can see his daughter, Nikkle smiling down at him gladdened that her father is ready to confess his crimes. The bells of the tower cease ringing as the Shaman of Jama has an oppurtuniy to confess his treason. He slowly raises his head marveling of the great host of people who are amassed to oppose his innocence. Despite his honor and pride he introspects and decides if it is truly worth to defy and die or submit and live with his family; he glances at his daughter and she replies with a gesture of nodding for him to continue. He faces the crowd to begin his confession... "I am Duckhai Tinadel, lord of the UNDEAD and Hand of Jarl Laban..." There is a long pause as he contemplates if this is truly the right decision but realizes it is for his people. "I come before you today to confess my double spawning, team killing, erotic roleplay and delaying in the sight of Tammo and men."*

*Scene iii - The Confession - : "I betrayed the pact of PW and cRPG and the trust of my friends. I delayed the rounds far after they were overdue with role play that produced contorting cringes in the faces of those who witnessed it. On my word and will innocent men, women and children alike were butchered by my lance or put to the sword despite being my assigned allies. I swore to never repeat these acts of immorality and iniquity to King James of Acre after I was banned before while serving under raggy the leader of potato. Before I was banned for blatant and merciless slaughter of my own team but as he was retiring and crowning his new heir, Cassander, I returned to NA_cRPG_1 poised to wreak havoc twice once again with blood lust after another one of my deserved defeats I plotted to murder Kolee and Largos despite one of them being on my team I had become impudent and impatient. While I should have looked over their transgressions I had decided that they were below me and I would do anything in my power to prove it to them and make them submit to my self acclaimed superiority. After which Yeldur justly banned me for only the length of a day; on the Discord it was discussed whether the ban should be extended, but there was nothing that would cause it to be longer other than myself barging in and disturbing the peace by claiming that banning me would kill the module. I had the firm belief that I myself had brought the module back to life. Yeldur decided to teach me some humility by giving it ten days. After this I had boldly claimed that banning me permanently, should the situation ever arise, that it would be the end of the module which many rightfully implied with a DDoS threat. But that was not all... I had the audacity to return to the mortal realm under the veil of another face using a VPN and an alternative name. I was quickly foiled by Largos and was exposed for ban evading and then was sentenced to four weeks away from the module that I truly adore. In that moment I was at the peak of my pride not fully grasping the size of the consequence this was which is something that I regret vehemently without being able to form into words to this day. I had always felt that cRPG players should submit to PW as I deemed our community stronger and better in every way. The truth is regardless of what module we choose to play we are all Warbanders in sight of the gods. The bloodshed and tension I oversaw caused devastation in the lives of thousands. I was toxic to the community and brought forth division among the player base causing conflicts and disputes uncounted. I put myself above those who had fallen in battle and rode on DOOM THUNDER while they were dead awaiting the next round while I slung his hooves in the ground evading death and vexing anyone who witnessed. After the PW players won the tournament I commanded them to shit talk the community to further the agenda of bringing humiliation to it. The truth was was that I did not truly care for PW but my own ego. I manipulated people by convincing them that if they represented PW by comparing the modules that we would forever be glorious and fabled but the truth is I sought after the whims of my own heart and desire to be remembered and feared. And in my conquest of selfishness I found myself being caustic to HoC Largos by comparing my abilities with his and attempted to make him an example of all the cRPG players. *Crazy Polak throws a rock at his head causing him to stumble and Dupre helps him back to his feet. He continues, stammering.* D-despite the mercy and forgiveness I was shown I took it for granted and estimated my value above everyone around me to avoid the truth that I was not unique or different than anyone at all. I am truly guilt-ridden for what I have done and I wish there was anything I could do to redeem myself and play one of my favorite modules again - the module that my father played and revealed to me and the module where I found how to love and forgive and where my home truly resides - Warband. We like to hide behind the emblems and the icons of our modules but the reality is is that we all play the same game because we all love it I hope you see that I have come to love it just as much as the great community of cRPG. Let the admins and players alike bear witness to my claim... cRPG and PW are equals and I have committed treason against both of them and am unworthy of forgiveness and am ready to receive any punishment that is deemed fitting for me."*

*Scene iv - The Ruling - : He concludes his confession to the community and its overlords and slowly brings his head back down. From the darkness of doubt that remained prevalent in his heart he truly believes that in a shred of optimism that Yeldur will show mercy on him with a royal pardon and allow him to play on his favorite game on one of his favorite modules once more. He misses interacting with his friends and wishes only to make a positive impact on the community and contribute with love and compassion to it rather than wage war against her people with jealously and clandestine ambition.*
Duckhai Tinadel the Servant of Jarl Laban, Shaman of Tinadel, Healer of Marauders, Drudge of Jama, and the Maverick.

Offline mcdeath

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Re: The Confession of the Maverick
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2019, 02:23:17 am »
Give them run
McDeath: This guy doesn't shut his lip, but he's one of the funniest players in-game.

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Re: The Confession of the Maverick
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2019, 02:34:33 am »
I mean who cares if he ban evaded, me and havelle did it all the time and him and I have more good Will and penis girth than the rest of the community combined
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Re: The Confession of the Maverick
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2019, 04:31:07 am »
unban him and just mute him on discord 2 birds 1 stone
Lemon Luther King JR, has a dream, where all trolls are treated with fairness and equality. Lemon's want to be able to vote, and ride in the front of the bus, and drink from the same fountain that we do. Please right this inequality

Offline Yeldur

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Re: The Confession of the Maverick
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2019, 09:26:00 pm »
Following discussion with the Admin team in house, getting their views and such, and after much deliberation, I've decided that I will not be unbanning you, BUT I will reduce your ban time down, you will serve this ban until the 5th of May instead of the 21st of May, which means you will serve at least half of your sentence, but not the full sentence.

Because I am offering this mercy, be warned, this is your final strike. The next step is a global ban and you will not be able to appeal your way out of it.

Also, nice essay, it was nice, though please space out your paragraphs a bit more, it was far too much to read without spacing between them, I almost cried reading it due to the pain of no paragraph spacing.

Unban date:
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,