Author Topic: HEAL DTV  (Read 2109 times)

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Offline Bronto

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« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2018, 09:29:53 pm »
Healing horses would mean I'm basically invincible as Two-Handed cav with my charger, don't necessarily make DTV even easier.
Consider adding fun stuff to DTV like Construction sites for admins only (to prevent extreme exploit) but nothing else.

OH MY GOD! Adding c-sites would be amazing. I'd be manning that catapult so hard.

Offline War_Ferret

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« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2018, 11:13:48 pm »
Even *IF* we assume for a second that horses are indeed OP in DTV. What's better, getting an advantage (over bots...) by skillfully playing an expensive class or getting an advantage by abusing bot AI in the easiest and most effective possible way and mashing them to stew from behind a shield wall or shooting them in the back while stuck? The former can at least be called "playing the game". The latter is really just dumb exploiting that requires you to repeatedly press one button. While this is very handicapped-friendly, it doesn't necessarily make the game more fun or challenging.

Prof's abuse point is just ridiculous, sorry. Like I said, DTV is ONLY about "abuse". It can't be won (in it's current state) without excessive abuse. Show me one game where players win without getting bots stuck in fences, under roofs, in doors... just one! How can you abuse the AI more than that? By playing cav?

Offline McKli_PL

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« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2018, 11:53:45 pm »
Even *IF* we assume for a second that horses are indeed OP in DTV. What's better, getting an advantage (over bots...) by skillfully playing an expensive class or getting an advantage by abusing bot AI in the easiest and most effective possible way and mashing them to stew from behind a shield wall or shooting them in the back while stuck? The former can at least be called "playing the game". The latter is really just dumb exploiting that requires you to repeatedly press one button. While this is very handicapped-friendly, it doesn't necessarily make the game more fun or challenging.

Prof's abuse point is just ridiculous, sorry. Like I said, DTV is ONLY about "abuse". It can't be won (in it's current state) without excessive abuse. Show me one game where players win without getting bots stuck in fences, under roofs, in doors... just one! How can you abuse the AI more than that? By playing cav?

in old days with alot of players who only play dtv and other playing shittons on every server sure, it's very hard: require hardcore teamplay, luck, tons of dodging arrows/bolts and its pure dtv fun not this shit like we have nowadays