Okay, you guys know the reasons for the bans, you thought victims would be cool with you killing and nudging them, which they weren't, even if they were your lifelong friends that are completely okay with you hitting them, teamhitting/killing will get you a ban, and the mentality of "I have no ban history so they'll at most warn me" is completely wrong. Considering you were veterans in the mod it's really not decent what you have done. We are not trying to get back to dying times of c-RPG where no one obeyed rules and all the casual players left because of it.
Anyways, Dodosa and Speedy are friendly people with small bans long time ago. Both unbanned.
I am leaving Lidor to Cassi; since he got banned 2 days ago by him for the same reason, it isn't healthy if I decided on this now. I'll try to reach him before the Strat battles.