Thanks everyone for the replies! Special thanks to Nightingale & Silveredge! Great info!
I plan to play this character as mainly range. Only engage in melee if I have to (I have other melee characters). Sit behind the front line and pew pew away.
Think I'm enjoying the Heavy Xbow. As Taser mentioend, it feels like the perfect middleman. I want a little more punch the regular Xbow. But Arb's reload time is so long. Heavy Xbow has a nice all-around fell to it.
Mind you, I suck. But last night I did go 8-2. Had 3 headshots whiched helped.
At lvl 34 and have 170 WPF. Thinking I'll increase it to 180 (as I have points to spend, but was saving them to find a nice WPF).
Does 180 WPF sound good for Heavy Xbow? Or should I go 185 or 190?Here's what my build will look like at lvl 35. Not sure exactly how to distribute the WPF.
Power Strike: 6
Athletics: 9
Weapon Master: 9
Crossbow: 180 (185) (190)
Two Handed: 92 (77) (55)