(Nastiness is allowed).In this event appliants have to write a short story limited to 6 sentences.Do not put too many commas and make a helluva long sentence.(explicity is allowed)
(+18 stories are allowed)How to win : The story that gets the highest upthumbs will win.There are some normies with a lot of friends in the forums,in order to stop these normies winning the price with shitty
story,mine,bjord,gurgumul,panos,bittersteel's upvote will be counted as 5 upvotes.(you can write sexy shit)
Prize : Winners of the event will be given 2 looms by the sublime commander yuhmaz.
Example story : There was a peasant lady that lived in a small house and drew maps in her freetime.One gloomy midnight her door is knocked bang bang bang!,she walked to the door groping the way in the night.Door opened itself,light entered into the room and made sword on the mantelpiece shine.King of the round table Uther entered the room,staring at her big maps.Peasant_woman said Uther here are the maps you can take them all and find the secret treasure of the seven donkeys,uther said : ur maps are very big mmmhhh ouhhhhh yeeaaa fits to my hand.
Btw (nastiness is ok if u didn't read)
I hope at least 1 ppl applies to this evnt.