hey sandy how are you man
hey dude i'm okay, i guess i'm on one of those for-no-particular-reason e-sabbaticals. i should graduate after summer semester with bare-minimum GPA i need for grad school. here's hoping pops can hook it up fat with the HR gig, it sure is beneficial for me that he is a great man within his field (of bowling center maintenance lol) and is very well respected for it and also his good nature.
if that doesn't work i'll take a spin on the mass-application roulette. if THAT doesn't work or i get tired of it im gonna take my 5 years hotel (muh hospitality hurrr) experience and pseudoscience diploma and go work on a fukken cruise ship. i do dearly love the open water and being on a vessel's deck, but only very rarely get to do that as a poor man living in the interior of the South.
at the very moment i'm still doing night shift hotel bullshit and it remains very good for reading, listening to lectures, doing schoolwork, etc. pay is pretty poor, although i have really only RARELY had to deal with any real crazy shit, or even people being assholes. i think part of that is luck, part is good affable tendencies on my part, some unexplained.
hey, you got me to spend my last 5 minutes at work writing about myself atm, cool. alright gotta go, cya