Strongly disagree, sure they get a initial advantage but the only thing I ever paid for was premium last time I played.
You also get free cards over time which you can swap out for card points and buy other cards.
If you plan on being a fighter you only sit at 10 villages anyways since anymore than that the Honor scaling is insane. No offense but that opinion seems to be mostly based on inexperienced, anyone can be a huge factor in a way without having to pay. The only advantage someone has who paying is a accelerated starts but since this is a relatively new world anyone who is mad-paying is gonna be ranks ahead and them trying to attack/raze someone who isn't low will cost them millions of honor which is a waste since they need to stay on top.
Sure someone can use cards to make their stone walls stronger in a defense but so can you late game, also a good timed attack of 10~ attacks doesn't matter what cards you got you're donezo.