1. Name of your character involved Ladoea
2. Name of offending character(s) Le_Bloody_Horreur
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible around 8:35pm on EU1_Battle
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. He had something against Krems so I taunted him in the last game about it, he decides to start couching Krems people for no reason other than he dislikes them
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* Idk, mad because we beat him once using our weird builds? Either way, he's just mad because we exist, probably because we're better than him.
6. Multiple Screenshots
http://imgur.com/7tP570Q,VFSZzV2,lLL7b4g go here for screenshots
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** Waschweib_Von_Krems