1: Voncrow_KUTT
2: Aspiring_Champion_Ufoinsky
3: NA_1 between 2:30-3:00 am cst
4: Was in a group fight with four people ganking James of Acre. James is killed and the group quickly disperses except for Ufoinsky who immediately starts intentionally teamwounding me until I die. He afterwards says "opps" even though it was blatantly obvious it was intentional, especially with his recent problems with twing and tking.
5: He thought it was amusing to tk me because he and his friends don't like me and has no problems with breaking the rules.
http://postimg.org/image/lvits5hmz/Claims it was accidental but the screenshot shows all teamwounds were after james death and anyone I mention below can testify that it was intentional teamwounding.
7: Lumetta, Dynamics, Perditions