HotKurdishBoy, I love the fact you leave the ugly parts from your side out! Honestly you make a really good troll, wich I kinda respect.
Now, let's talk about the facts. First picture, yes I did poll you, but that's not the whole truth. There was this guy named "Xesta" on the server, he insulted several people heavily with all kind of insults, but the ones that were way over the limit IMO were the ones where he called people "fucking friends", and told them to go back to their clayhuts and stuff like that, with a lot of "friend" being used. This Xesta also teamwounded me several times at spawn intentionally. Like he just hit me once when passing by, literally every round. When I told I was going to poll him, he instantly left the server..
One round after that you appeared online, with the same banner that Xesta was using. I asked the server "Is HotKurdisBoy Xestas alt?", YOU by yourself told me "Yes I'm indeed Xesta". So I decide to poll you with the reasons stated above.
It was 100% valid reasons, and I still don't know if you are Xesta or not, but the fact that you told me you are Xesta, makes it your own fault I polled you, no?
And as for the second screenshot where I TK you, you posted SS of you log ONLY, you can't see shit about spawn on it, right? And above the TK you can even see a lot of people getting killed, so obivously it wasn't on spawn when I killed you? You are just lying here bro to get me banned, cuz you seem to be troll also. That TK wasn't on spawn (wich you can clearly see from the screenshot as a lot of people already got killed and shit), that TK was not intentional, I even said sorry.