1. Name of your character :
SGuard_Sultan_Emirso_22. Name of offending character(s) :
Turkmen_Tomayus3. Time and server, as accurately as possible :
21.03.2015 23:24 (UTC+02:00)4. Written description of what happened,
EU_1/ He start Teamkilling me when I was attacking and he didnt stop until he killed me5. Why you think the offender did what he did: I
think we win the strat battle aganist them and he couldnt hold himself and tryed to take a revenge in the EU_1 server with TeamKilling6. Multiple Screenshots
http://i.hizliresim.com/blXMdZ.png7. Names of players who witnessed what happened /
There were few person playing on EU_1 so I dont know