Heavy polearms shouldn't really be about mad feints anyway, more about holds and good timing. Create more differentiation between the long/powerful heavy poles and the faster ones, rather than a long feint-machine. Polearm is my favourite class in warband and cRPG, for me it always fulfilled a different niche to 2h but since the changes in cRPG over the last years they've become too similar in function. There's a reason the tryhards who left 2H out of butthurt rage went to use certain polearm weapons.
Yeah, I understand that and kind of feel the same. However, my main issue with this proposal is that there are simply so many polearms with 'bonus against shield' and all of those would now become unbalanced, leaving only spears, hafted blades, and staves left for those that want to be able to feint/spam/swing fast. Even now, the spammiest of the polearms cannot feint as quickly as 1h or 2h swords, due to their heavier weight. Swords are still the weapons of duelists, save for the few super spammy polearm exceptions. Even when using a fast polearm myself, for example the long axe, I still rely on well-timed holds more often than feint spam. Maybe it is out of habit since I usually use slower weapons, I don't know, but when facing someone with a fast weapon I rely almost purely on holds/timing. Conversely when using a 2hander, every day is feint spam day.