1. Name of your character involved: Cock_Blockula
2. Name of offending character(s): Varadin
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU_2, somewhere between 21:50 and 22:10 CET (unable to provide exact time because I wasted a bit of it trying to decide on what to do)
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.: We were on conquest. Varadin entered a bit later and started taunting me as usual. I muted him soon. So, we started losing flags on defense and had to withdraw as far as the second to the last flag. On this map (not sure what its name was), you are supposed to keep the last gate open so as to easily defend that second to last flag as soon as you spawn. Otherwise it becomes almost impossible to reach it and you lose it fast. Fuma decides to shut the gate (throwing constant voice spam about his intention). We warn him that he shouldn't along with the reason why. He does it anyway. I ban poll him. As you can see it is not an unfounded poll. It doesn't get accepted. He revenge ban polls me and it doesn't get accepted either. But I am not mad about that. I can ignore his rage ban poll. Then I realize, by looking at other people's replies, that although muted, Varadin is still taunting me. So I basically write "Tell that moron I muted him". Then comes another ban poll for me from Varadin.
It didn't get accepted either but I am mad as hell about his insolence. Note that this is the second time he is pulling that shit at me. I didn't report his first rage ban poll, but Uther was there and he will remember. I guess we all agreed that we could let that one go. But this time, this bastard has taken it too far. Shittalking and ban polling when confronted. Please bring this moron to justice. I am fed up with him.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*: Because tryhard, angsty, moronic teenager. Simple as that.
6. Multiple Screenshots: This is where things get tricky. I left the server convinced that I had screenshots, but it looks like I had pressed scroll lock instead of Print Screen. But if you could check the logs, you will see the entire story for yourself. It is evident as hell.
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**: As far as I remember, there was Rapo, Sad Hobo, Mala, Darksoul_Gjallar_Norse, a couple of Greys like Obi Wan and Armiin (though not sure if they would testify) and a bunch of other people I can't remember. However, everyone has pretty much witnessed the incident. And they will confirm what happened.